Monday, April 11, 2011

First Blog: The Blair Witch Project

It's almost 5 in the morning and I've been up all night. Why? Well, I made the terrible mistake of watching The Blair Witch project in the dark by myself. Bad move? Probably, but I'd never seen it even though I had always heard about it as an important part of the horror movie culture, so I figured I may as well do it now.

Okay so, first off I go and read the summary of the movie because well, it's just something I like to do. It's interesting seeing how different what you pictured in your head is from the actual movie itself. Anyway, after reading through that I honestly assume it isn't really that frightening. I find the movie online and my cinematic adventure begins:

I'm going to be honest here; I didn't watch like, the first 20-30 minutes of the movie. I kept skipping through until I got past all the tedious talking and interviews. I wanted to see some creepy shit go down.

I think I finally stopped when they were out camping the first few nights. Some weird stuff happened and they heard things outside but that was about it. I wasn't scared at all at this point. If anything, I was tempted to start skipping scenes again.

Later on the annoying girl is outside again filming at night while weird noises are coming from the woods around the tent. The first time it happened I wasn't really frightened because: 1. I couldn't see shit and 2. I couldn't even hear the stuff all that well. But oh well, moving on.

Tensions are rising after rocks magically appear outside of their tent, which of course begs the question of who, what, when, where, and why. I assumed it was the witch who made cairns at night in the forest because she friggin' felt like it (or she assumed that there was something terrifying about solid minerals in triangular arrangements). The situation doesn't really scare anyone except the chick, who I wanted to kick in teeth multiple times by this point.

The three filmmakers go along their merry way, getting lost and letting out their frustrations on each other. They find some fucked up sticks in the trees and when they initially want to gtfo the chick of course is still wandering around, marveling at the sticks that someone had so artistically placed in the trees. I imagine this had something to do with the witch too, or maybe some deranged woodsman with a soft spot for arts and crafts. Either way, it'd be some weird shit to find.

Everyone hates each other more than usual in the next few days. After another spooky night where they have to flee their tent, they come back to find their stuff all messed up by a ghost who probably had some serious munchies. After that, they waste another day lost in the woods. Another scary night happens and the next morning Josh is fuckin' gone. Where did he go? Nobody knows. He probably found the car and left their asses because let's face it; one of them is a complete controlling nutjob and the other is an equally retarded idiot with a sick sense of humor [Get rid of our only hope for survival LOOOOOOOOOL].

I'm starting to get scared at this point because of the anticipation build-up. The night scenes become scarier for me, because I'm so curious as to what's out there but they won't let you see. It's fun to assume it's just that burly abstract artist woodsman though. 

One night Josh is screaming in agony for help, but they don't dare to leave camp to go find him. I'd say screw it too to be honest. That artsy woodsman is a serious troll, leaving his art projects around to mess with people's minds and shit. Who knows what he'd do to a person. 

The next morning they find more gruesome craft work. There are bundles of sticks around with pieces of Josh's shirt, blood, and teeth. The composition isn't the greatest, but the message comes through pretty powerfully. 

Heather trips out again and during that night they hear Josh screaming once again. They run their stupid asses into an old abandoned house in the dead of the night. Now I am seriously scared. I tried skipping through a few seconds, just to make sure nothing would pop out at me and make me jump out of my skin. Sadly, when I tried to skip through, the video didn't pause but just kept playing. Heather is freaking the hell out and I don't really know what's going on, but it's some srs bsns. 

My final scare comes in through the final scenes, with Mike facing that damn wall. After the movie ends I can't sleep of course. As always, I got the usual hearing and seeing things effect after you watch a scary movie. I eventually worked up the bravery to turn on every light in the damn house that I could. I even turned on my fan to create some other noise besides silence. 

It was a good movie, and I think they combined the right elements to instill fear in the viewer. Most people are afraid of what they can't see or identify, and this movie takes a hold of that and runs with it. The mystery, the anticipation, and the realism of all of it comes together nicely.

Sadly, the whole being up all night thing isn't going to work for me well because I have a Senior Art Show to help put together today. I'll be packing some caffeine in my backpack, as well as a reminder to NOT watch creepy movies alone at night.


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