Friday, July 1, 2011

The Joys of Summer

Wow haven't updated this crap in a long time.

Not much has been happening on my end aside of my new hobby of servicing/shooting firearms (In my eyes Cars, Guitars, and Guns are works of art, not to mention epicly badass) and working on graphic design projects. 

In other news, I haven't touched or even looked at the 3 summer assignments that I have. Sometimes I feel like I miss school but then I realize that's just the lonely sod in me kicking in. Oh lol. On that note, I just remembered that when I get back to school I'll have to deal with everyone talking about how kickass their summer was. Oh I can't freakin' wait. Every teacher is going to ask about it and I'll have to listen to constant boasting all around. What did I do this summer? I burned my eyes to the core looking at this damn computer screen, that's what. 

I don't know what else to really explain. I guess I can throw up some memes I made when I got bored. Screw it, here ya go:

P.S. My birthday is on July 13th. Remember it dammit.

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