Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th

May those who perished in the terror attacks of September 11th, 2001 R.I.P...

Thousands of precious lives and loved ones were lost on this day due to the disgusting hatred of a certain group of individuals.

May we never forget one of the most terrifying days in American history.

Peace and love to you all.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Uncommon Kindness

You know, believe it or not a lot of people think I'm nothing more than a raging asshole. Never would have guessed it right? I mean, this blog certainly isn't evidence of anything attributed to that...

While it may be true that I can be a jerk in certain situations, I do actually have a heart and a kind one at that. Not everyone will see it though. It's usually a random stranger or someone I'm particularly close to. I don't show love for everyone because I don't love everyone I meet, and I don't feel like I have to in order to be a good person. I have a small circle of people who I desire to be especially good to and I live contently with that. 

I thought of a quote yesterday while talking to two people who are very dear to me, and that quote is: "I have a big heart for people who are willing to find it.". I will be polite to strangers and to those who seem in need even if I don't know them well, but my greatest compassion still lies with the people who care about me the most. There are few things that really bring warmth to my heart but making someone happy and brightening their day is definitely one of them. 

I have nothing to prove to anyone. If I do something it's because I want to. I love being generous and it's a thread of happiness that I hold on to tightly. I could list the kind things I have done for people but it what meaning would that have? I'm not trying to earn a score here, I'm just trying to prove a point. 

This entry is basically a reminder to go out and be caring to people who deserve it. If you are compassionate to others it will reward you in so many ways. With all the madness and negativity in the world we shouldn't forget the people who love us and the people who just need someone to be there, even if only for a moment. Sure, it sounds strange that this is coming from the writer of a blog like A Ranting Matter but underneath it all is a girl who holds generosity as a close value. 

So do something nice for someone today. Let the people closest to you in your life know that you love them. Show someone how much they mean to you. Someone might be feeling terrible right now and your act of kindness is the thing that pulls them through the day. If the thought of that doesn't make you feel a bit better inside, I don't know what will. 

There is always a time to be loving and we should take the chance whenever possible. You never know when someone will leave or become distant.

Be good to others for their fulfillment as you would be good to yourself. 


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Birthday

Turning 17 today. The joy is oh-so overwhelming. 


But uhh I dunno. I think birthdays stopped being special after I turned 14 >_> Still, I guess I shall acknowledge it as a day where people can pay more attention to me than they normally would.





Just kidding :D

Lately I've re-discovered PETA-Freaks and their antics on the web, particularly on Youtube. I'm not saying that all PETA people are insane, but a lot of them seem to be. They usually turn out to be as uneducated as they sound, and I'm torn between laughing at them or pelting them with dead hamsters. Either way, I eventually get into an angry rant.

If you don't know the details, certain PETA members and other animal rights activists like to post their idiotic opinions on Youtube along with their undercover "investigations". Most of these people are misinformed, butthurt, ignorant, or all of the above. Today I found plenty of videos and comments hating on major pet stores and how they treat their animals, along with their complaints against average pet-owners.

Anything you do in your video is abuse (according to their logic). Holding it wrong? Abuse. Minor problem with the cage? Abuse. They WILL find an excuse to criticize whatever you're doing. 

But back to the pet store thing. Here are the most frequent complaints and my responses:

Family-owned stores are better than big pet stores! Everyone should buy from them instead!
From my experience with certain local pet stores, they aren't all that wonderful. You can find a few that are pretty good, but for the most part there are going to be some issues. Sometimes local stores don't have appropriate housing. Sometimes they don't have ways to treat sick animals or they don't have all the right equipment to care for all the animals. I've seen some awful pet stores, trust me. At big businesses like Petco and Petsmart they can afford to have the right housing, equipment, medication, etc. I've never had an issue with an animal I've bought from Petsmart. I have a bearded dragon from Petsmart and a hamster from a local pet store. They're both within the same level of quality when it comes to animals.

Breeders are always the best choice for every animal!
Not always you simple-minded idiots. My mom got a leopard gecko from a breeder and it was severely malnourished and died within the month. After that she went to Petsmart and bought a new gecko and guess what? That thing has been living happily for MONTHS. Besides, I can't find a convenient breeder for EVERY animal. When I was looking for hamsters did you honestly expect me to hunt down a breeder in my state just so that I MAY or MAY NOT get a good animal? Hell no. I went to the friggin' pet store and looked at the little rodents and picked one out. 

Petsmart and Petco employees lie to their costumers!
I have been to several of their stores and not once have I been lied to about an animal. They made sure I had EVERYTHING I needed to care for that animal and answered all of my questions. Just because their statement isn't the shit that you read on Wikipedia doesn't mean that they're wrong dumbass.

I bought an animal from a big pet store and it died!
Bitch, maybe you weren't caring for it right. And guess what? In EVERY lot of animals there is going to be a bad one. Maybe you got the bad one. Maybe you didn't feed it everyday. Maybe you were too busy making shitty youtube videos to give it the care it needed. Who knows?

Animals get sick and die at those big pet stores!
Animals get sick and die at EVERY pets store EVERYWHERE. But from what I know from the stores, they usually send sick animals to the vet so that they can make a full recovery. Sometimes animals come out alright. Sometimes they don't. It isn't always the store's fault. It's called mother nature.

PETA has all sorts of videos showing how they abuse their animals!
It's called propaganda. They will show the worst of the worst and say that it applies to each and every store out there. Sure, some of the mills ARE bad but you can't save every damn animal. Besides, it's not like PETA doesn't edit/clip their videos to make things seem even worse than they are. God forbid an employee uttered a joke about animal mistreatment or else that would be on their Youtube page too.

If you don't like those places then fine, but don't go to your idiotic lengths to cause harm to those stores. Just keep your damn mouth closed and buy an animal wherever you frikkin' please. Now I'm going to go tend to my PERFECTLY HAPPY AND HEALTHY bearded dragon from PET'SMART.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I agree with SO MUCH of what this guy says. I know quite a few people who could learn a thing or two from his videos. WATCH. LAUGH. SUBSCRIBE.


Friday, July 1, 2011

The Joys of Summer

Wow haven't updated this crap in a long time.

Not much has been happening on my end aside of my new hobby of servicing/shooting firearms (In my eyes Cars, Guitars, and Guns are works of art, not to mention epicly badass) and working on graphic design projects. 

In other news, I haven't touched or even looked at the 3 summer assignments that I have. Sometimes I feel like I miss school but then I realize that's just the lonely sod in me kicking in. Oh lol. On that note, I just remembered that when I get back to school I'll have to deal with everyone talking about how kickass their summer was. Oh I can't freakin' wait. Every teacher is going to ask about it and I'll have to listen to constant boasting all around. What did I do this summer? I burned my eyes to the core looking at this damn computer screen, that's what. 

I don't know what else to really explain. I guess I can throw up some memes I made when I got bored. Screw it, here ya go:

P.S. My birthday is on July 13th. Remember it dammit.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

BOYZ R SO LYK DUMB!!!!!!! [A Ranting Matter]

Happy Friday guys.

So I could probably go on to make hundreds of blogs about the stupid shit that some idiotic women post on the internet, but one little "Myspace Chain Story" I found let's me hit several different points that I'd like to make. I wasn't sure how to break this down but I figured I'd just post the original little "story" and just leave my comments along the way. The original chain message will be in blue text while my incredibly frustrated replies will be in [red text with brackets].

Let's go along then shall we? Here it is:

Girl: Hey

Boy: Hey

GIrl: can i tell you something?

Boy: What?

Girl: I really like you. And I... I think I'm falling in love with you.

Boy: Ok...

Girl: What do you mean 'ok'?

Boy: I don't like you like that...

Girl: Why not?

Boy: I can't tell you... maybe another time...

From then on, the girl kept asking the boy 'Why not?' whenever she saw him, and
he kept answering the same answer of 'I'll tell you later.' Finally the girl got
fed up.

[Of course she didn't leave the fucking guy alone. Typical. When a guy says he doesn't like you, pestering the ever-loving shit out of him isn't going to change his mind. It will most likely make him want to punch you in the teeth for not taking a hint and buzzing off. But remember people, the girl is supposed to be the hero in this bullshit tale so let's see what else she does...]

Girl: I'm tired of this! Tell me why you don't like me!

[Oh dear God. I knew from the start this chick was an annoying bitch. I'm starting to wonder whether this was actually an early draft of something Stephanie Myer wrote. *sigh* Again, pouting like a little 11-year-old may make other mindless girls feel sorry for her, but not me. THE GUY DOESN'T LIKE YOU. GIVE UP. GET A FUCKING LIFE DUMBASS.]

Boy: Do you really wanna know why?

Girl: Yes!

Boy: It's because you're uglier than ****! What's the point of going out with someone when they're not pretty?!

Girl: But... I...

Boy: Just shut up and leave me alone! 

[AAAAAAHHHAHAHAHAAAA! BURNED! Shouldn't have kept bothering him you dumbass, then maybe he wouldn't have snapped. ] 

The boy leaves and the girl is sitting there alone, crying her heart out. Then her cell phone rings.

Girl: Hello?

Mom: Sweetheart? I want you to go home, ok? I'll be home from work in a few hours.

Girl: Alright Mom.

Mom: I love you.

Girl: I love you too, Mom.

Mom: Bye Bye.

Girl: Bye

The girl heads home and once she got there, she went in the bathroom and looked
at herself in the mirror.

Girl: I'm not pretty enough... 

[He denied you for weeks. He told you to your FACE he didn't like you. He told you you were an ugly bitch. And you are STILL OBSESSING OVER WHAT THIS GUY THINKS. Cry harder emo girl, your low self-esteem is more hilarious than heart-breaking.] 

She set to work, knowing fully well what she was going to do. 2 hours later, her
Mom came home and heard the bath water running. She went upstairs to find the
hallway flooded so she knocked on the door. 

[Aside of the whole flooding thing, I assumed that the girl had gone through all this trouble giving herself a makeover. You know, makeup, new clothes, new hairstyle? Or she could've taken the alternate route where she just said "lolwtfever" and went along with her pathetic life not giving a shit.] 

Mom: Honey? Are you alright?

She opened the door and was shocked at the site. The bath was overflowing onto
the floor, and the water was tinted red. She walked over to see what was inside
and screamed. There, her little girl was lying with cuts all over her face and
wrists. Her Mom backed away and was going to run to call the police when
something caught her eye. On the mirror were these words written in blood: 'Am I pretty enough now?' 

[Should have fucking known this was going to take the emo tragedy route. OH GOD I FEEL SO SORRIEZ 4 HER CUZ SHE KILLDED HERSELF!!!!111 Are you fucking joking me? Let me get this shit straight--She MUTILATED HERSELF because some stupid guy didn't return her feelings and called her ugly? Am I supposed to feel...empowered as a woman because of this? Am I supposed to be like "YEAH BOYZ R DOUCHEBAGZ!!!!"? What a lovely way to promote self harm kids. Truly. I've been denied by guys too. You get the fuck over it and move on. End of story.]

 No one deserves to be told that by someone they love.

[They do if they're an irritating delusional bitch who obviously can't take "no" for an answer.]

A person's appearance doesn't count. What counts is their heart inside of them and their personality. No one wants to be told they're not good enough. 

[Maybe the guy just didn't fucking LIKE HER? She obviously had some serious issues so it's pretty understandable. Girls, don't ASSUME THE FUCK OUT OF EVERY SITUATION. Some people won't like you and some will. Don't over-analyze it and don't go all suicidal over it. This girl wasn't even in "love". She had a crush and/or was severely cockhungry. Just gtfo with this shit.]

I think I should just start writing my own Myspace/Facebook chain letters. Sadly, I don't think many people would like them. For example, here's one I would write now:

Girl: Hi

Boy: Sup

Girl: So umm...I kinda like you and maybe you.

Boy: Uh, I only have you in like two class periods. We've talked like three times this year...

Girl: So, you don't love me back?


Girl: Oh...okay....

For the next few weeks the girl asked the boy ever single day why he didn't like her. She was overcome with sadness and depression and didn't know what to do. The boy, meanwhile, found himself agitated beyond belief and wanting nothing more than to rip out the girl's throat and never hear her shrill whiny voice again. He knew the next time she asked that he would snap.



The girl burst into tears and the boy walked away without giving two shits. Later that night the girl decided to be selfish towards her loving family and instead of getting over the situation she jumped off of a bridge. The family gave their attention to her less retarded sister. The world was a slightly better place. 

Send this to 10 people and you will be rewarded with the knowledge that you are a half-decent human being.

Peace out guys, comment if you'd like!